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From cloth & suit manufacturing to Masks! Helping to save the NHS

by May 5, 20200 comments

Huddersfield Textiles and Jacob Brian Tailors, in pre-pandemic Covid-19 times, manufacture cloth and bespoke tailored clothing, in the Textile capital of the world Huddersfield!! We have been established for many years and we sell our cloth to tailors and custumers all over the globe. Well, we did until COVID-19 hit!!

Keeping our workforce and manufacturing facilities alive

In the absence of bespoke suit-wearing buyers and the film industry closed down, our business ground to a very sudden halt. Seeing our workforce and manufacturing facilities alive, but with nothing to make, we came up with the idea that we could turn ourselves to the manufacturing of masks. This birthed the MasksUK brand. It meant that we could keep our business above water, give people a quality product and make sure that our employees are paid.

Giving the public a quality alternative face mask

Watching and hearing about the lack of PPE available for our NHS staff and the fact that the public may only add to that issue by buying medical-grade masks, we wanted to help save the NHS by giving the public a quality alternative face mask. Our expert knowledge of fabrics, and of course the talented workforce meant, that we could put together the MasksUK 3 layer nanotechnology face mask. Preparing for, what feels like, will be part of the progression to exit the lockdown situation like many other countries have done.

Keeping things British!

As you can imagine, it has been quite a whirlwind of a transition, and the demand for this product is incredibly high right now. Being a UK company it feels important right now to keep things British, and many customers love this.

We are a small team of Yorkshire folk working hard to help where we can and provide a good service in these strange times.
Stay safe everyone, and see you on the other side!!

Helen Bailey – Director, MasksUK

Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives
Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives



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